
Replacing Vital Records

Homelessness and LGBTQ Youth

What a Hotel Stay Means to Me

Winter Solstice

Staying Clean

La Nina

Cutting Ties to Bad Relationships

Half Baked Idea: Panning for Gold

Building a Better Future for Yourself

The California Plastic Bag Ban (and Food Stamp Exception)

The Shiny, New Tablet

Staying warm at night in cold, wet weather

Native Wisdom

When Push Comes to Shove, Personal Agency is a Prized Possession

The Cost of a Poverty Mentality


Airplane mode and other ways to conserve battery power

Picking a place to stay, making plans, making progress

Sandals and some thoughts about foot health


Dark, Loose Clothing

Port Aransas, Texas

I Traveled to San Diego as a Hobo, But You Probably Should Not

How to Find and Access Bathrooms

Nickeled and Dimed Back to Life

About This Site

A Higher Amp Plug for Faster Charging


Re-establishing Credit While Homeless

Tracfone: Games and Browser