I am in some dive of a hotel for the next three nights. The month looks pretty scary financially, but I got up this morning and my walk to the library revealed that two of the three camp sites I use are already under water and another three inches of rain is coming this weekend.
One of the sites already under water is beneath a bridge. It is where I have previously hunkered down to get through bad storms. I would have to wade through at least fifty feet of water to reach the spot we have previously hunkered down in. So there was no safe, sheltered place available to camp.
This is one of the worst storms in decades for California and I was seriously concerned about living through the weekend if I were camped out in it. If you are homeless in Central or Northern California, I hope you can find shelter and safety.
I am between phones and I don't know how to let my mother know I am safe. I also just have no freaking clue how I will get through the rest of the month. But my morning walk made it clear that I need to just worry about getting through this weekend.
So, here I am, holed up in the cheapest dive I could find and trying to get the management to get the heat on in my room. Yay.