Baby Wipes

I was sort of accidentally given a box of baby wipes, apparently for free and by mistake. I think the previous customer bought them and it got overlooked and their bag was handed to me when I left.

Anyway, I have been finding them convenient for wiping messy stuff off my fingers, like sugary residue from eating cinnamon roles or the cheese leftover from eating Cheetos and things like that. They are bulky, but not that heavy. I don't know if I will do this again, but it has been nice to have this as an option as I am often trying to clean up in some manner, to some degree in the absence of running water.

I routinely keep hand sanitizer and spray peroxide on hand. Recently added liquid soap to the items we have on hand. That was also an accident. It has been interesting to try different options and see how they interact with life on the street. The liquid soap is useful in park bathrooms where there is no soap, but not so useful under circumstances where I have no access to running water. I have found that I can use a baby wipe to wipe off the soap. The combination is an interesting option.