Presbyterian Urban Ministries

Updated 0727/23 with the link to the their new site. They seem to have been renamed New Day Urban Ministries since I left San Diego but the services listed, location, etc. appear to be the same.

I have mentioned this place in a few posts. They are on Market, between 24th and 25th streets. They have a lot of services. A few I have benefitted from: Help with getting birth certificates and ID, free clothing once a month, bread and a snack pack once a week, and coffee and pastry in the morning while you wait for services. Their website.

I took pictures in hopes of making it easier to find and identify because I was expecting it to be a church and had trouble finding it. However, I never figured out how to upload them and I don't really want to invest a lot of time and effort in this blog. I just want to publish some of the posts I started and never really finished.

My main focus is on trying to find a way to solve my financial problems and get off the street. This blog is not likely to ever make money, at least not substantial money of the sort that would make it worth my while to commit to as a long term project. I have a long history of creating websites that get viewed as "very niche" and aimed at helping people who have little to no money, thus are not likely to ever make much if anything. This is one of the reasons I am broke and on the street. It is one of the things I am trying to fix about myself/my life. I share that in hopes it helps someone else who is chronically poor to think through why and maybe make some changes as well.

Pic of Urban Ministries