
  • Neil Good Day Center: Men's showers are available in the morning and women's in the afternoon. It is a big open bay with four showerheads on two facing walls for a total of eight showerheads. One of them is a handicapped type shower. The sign says keep it to ten minutes. There is often a line in the morningThere is also an individual shower in the ladies restroom but you need permission to use it. I do not know what reasons would make it available. I have read that it is possible to get an early shower if you have proof you need it before work or something.
  • Rachel's: Women only and by appointment. Showers available from 7:30am to 11:00am and 1:00pm to 3:00 pm. They have two stalls. It is cleaner than the Neil Good Day Center and offers some privacy, which NGDC is completely lacking. You also have fifteen minutes instead of ten and they will give you shampoo and a razor instead of just bar soap. It's on Eighth Avenue in a yellow building within sight of where you line up for dinner at the Salvation Army. Kind if kitty corner from it.
  • The Beach: I have been told the beach has showers but I have yet to find the beach and my understanding is this would probably require transportation as it is likely too far to walk. I do not have a car or bus pass. I was told Mission beach is probably the place to check out, if I can ever get there.