Keeping Your Sanity in the Face of Social Isolation and Boredom

One of the big issues with being on the street is the degree to which it can mess with your mind. It can be hugely socially isolating and othering and, with no home to go to, it can be hard to find ways to fill your time. Here are a few things I have found helpful:

  • Socialize online. I suggest you not admit to being homeless. I am open about my homelessness but that tends to hurt my credibility and cause me a certain amount of problems. I really can't recommend it as a method. You will probably have a better experience if you do not do that. But belonging to email lists and forums can help keep your brain active and keep your social skills from rotting away in spite of your lack of normal social ties.
  • Play games. If you have a computer or portable game system or even a cell phone, keeping your mind occupied with games can help you keep your sanity. It can help keep you from just feeling like you are losing your mind from boredom and it can help prevent you from just stewing about problems you cannot immediately resolve.
  • Read. Even if you have no computer, no ID, nothing, you can read for free at a public library. You need identification to get a library card and actually check out books but, as long as you aren't banned from the library for behavioral problems, you can always go read.
  • Avoid "hang time." By this, I mean try to avoid just hanging around doing nothing at all or just shooting the breeze with other homeless people that you do not know well. Try to fill your time constructively. If you are too tired to do anything, then go find a park or beach where you can nap during the day. Sleep can be important to your health and is not a waste a time or soul sucking the way just sitting around doing essentially nothing can be.
  • Make plans and set goals. Feeling like life is pointless and you have no future is incredibly soul sucking. Having plans and goals and working towards them gives you something of a life, no matter how materially humble it may currently be.